Monday, February 12

The Purist

Doing the silver ball was so much fun to do I decided to do another highly reflective surface. This is 14"X18"

I really love how abstract some parts can be, but when viewed at the proper distance the whole becomes convincing, for example:

Sunday, February 11

Silver ball on Pencil Case

I have seen several paintings of a silver ball and liked the idea so I tried it myself. It was a fun painting, just trying to get the correct shape, color and tone without really knowing WHAT it was I was representing and trying to have faith that it would look correct at the end.
All in all I am pretty happy with how it turned out. I would love to hear your comments.

Silver ball on Pencil Case 16"X12"

Saturday, February 3


This Painting is an attempt at something a little different, I was thinking about several instances of the same persona, I did this over 4 sessions from life. All in all, I think is was an interesting experiment that could be explored more.

This reminds me of that saying: may you reach always exceed your grasp